Connecting with community relations directors at senior living communities like Middleton (see p. 9) and Kendal has been the key for us to get our start as senior-downsizers and to launch Songbird Transitions in Granville. Our angel in all of this was Max Kirby at Middleton Senior Living… we connected with her immediately. She loves supporting small businesses and knew exactly what families were experiencing in the process of transitioning to a senior living facility. Max was regularly referring clients to us and I felt so lucky to have her in my corner. But, when it came for her own in-laws to transition to an independent living cottage, she called to say “Sam, I need your help with my family now.” It was only then that I knew just how special she thought Songbird Transitions is. To refer business services to strangers is one thing, but to refer business to your own family is a sincere endorsement.

What sets us apart is that we understand how much people care about their families during this transition to a senior living facility. Families want their parents to avoid stress and to feel comfortable going into this next chapter of their lives…maybe even to feel a little excited about the comforts of a new “home” while leaving the all-too-familiar space of their original house. This is our aim – we want to make the downsizing process as enjoyable as possible because we know just how difficult moving can be when you’ve lived in a space for 30 or 40 years.

This is why we recommend that families use a downsizer for this transition. Having a nonrelative coordinate the move versus having family members manage the process allows adult-aged children and their parents to stay positive when downsizing (or clearing out their estate). Families are better able to focus on their parents’ mental health and well-being … instead of the belongings surrounding them. We take care of all the “stuff” while you take care of mom and/or dad. Our quintessential goal is to ensure your parents and loved ones (our clients) are settling in comfortably in their new home at Middleton Senior Living or Kendal at Granville so that they can get involved and enjoy their new community from day one.

Our continuing partnerships with both Kendal and Middleton illustrate a unique element of the Granville community. There is a ‘connectedness’ among and between many of our local businesses and we at Songbird are proud to share in, and be a part of, that network. It’s mutually beneficial, it’s good business, and it’s one of the reasons we love this town and this community